How do I know that these questions are biblical?

At the end of every game you'll be given a list of questions that you missed along with the biblical reference for those questions. You can look up each question in your own Bible and see the answers for yourself. We also include links to an online Bible at BibleGateway for convenience. All questions have been approved by several ordained ministers and/or those with seminary education. We encourage you to be like a Berean and compare what you see and hear to the Bible.

Does this game have questions from every chapter in the Bible?

On average, there are over five questions from every chapter of the New Testament. The Old Testament is in the process of being completed and has an average of over three questions from every chapter so far.

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I selected only New Testament questions for my game but I saw some Old Testament questions.

In these cases, the questions came from a New Testament passage which was recounting an Old Testament passage...but it's in the New Testament so it counts :)

Why did my game have the same question more than once?

They weren't actually the same question but were similar questions. This can happen when the same events are recorded in different books (for example, several places tell of Jesus' birth, crucifixion, Paul's journeys, etc.).

How many points is each question worth?

Beginner questions: 100 points
Intermediate quesions: 150 points
Advanced questions:200 points

Are the questions too difficult for children?

It really depends on the child. This game was designed to supplement the learning of the Bible, even for seminary students. If a person doesn't know the Bible well, this game can help them learn it.

Where can I go to learn more about the Bible, or about being a Christian?

A great resource is

A person becomes a Christian after hearing the Gospel and responding to God's call through the Gospel. Here's a concise version of the Gospel.

Sometimes people doubt their salvation. If you're not sure if you're a Christian and wonder if you're really saved or not, the best thing to do is to let God Himself show you through the Bible. Read the book of First John, asking God to show you the truth. It will take only about 10-15 minutes to read all 5 chapters. 1 John 5:13 tells us that the reason the book was written was so that you may know that you have eternal life.

What are the beliefs of True Bible Trivia?

We are Evangelical Christians who believe the Bible is inspired by God, inerrant, and sufficient. Our primary goal is to help people know Jesus by learning more about the Bible in a fun way, and our secondary goal is to provide the most comprehensive Bible trivia game available.

True Bible Trivia was formerly known as TruthFinders. TruthFinders was released in 2004 as a CD and as a download and included only the New Testament. It was endorsed by Dr. Roy Fish, past interim President of the North American Mission Board (NAMB).

True Bible Trivia has the same questions and answers as TruthFinders, but now True Bible Trivia is free and has added Old Testament questions as well.